Non-Gun People

I think, as gun people, we have a tendency to believe that, re attitude toward guns, there are two types of people in America today: pro-gun and anti-gun. The truth is there’s actually a third group, probably the largest, frankly, composed of what I call “non-gun people.” These are the folks who don’t love guns, they don’t hate guns, they simply don’t care about them one way or the other.

Example: a good friend of mine, a woman, has two daughters, a pretty little brunette ten year old, and a pretty little blonde nine year old. (Yes, the latter is the girl in the previous “Electric Gun With Newspaper” blog post.) When Mommy comes back from the range, and has her guns all disassembled and laid out on the kitchen table for cleaning, the ten year old brunette couldn’t care less. It’s not that she hates guns, she’s not scared of them, she doesn’t think they’re icky, she just doesn’t care. She’d rather be sitting off in a corner, reading a book.

By contrast, the little nine year old blonde is fascinated. She’s bellied up to the table, leaning over it to get closer, she’s practically got her little nose stuck inside the gun.

Now THAT’S the sort of little girl who’s going to grow up to be a serious gun person.

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