• How Important Are Uniforms to Shooting Skill? (From a Guy Who Used to Wear One)

    “I do get a bit tired of the people, in and out of uniform, who think that wearing a particular outfit automatically makes a person a gun expert.” Another article up on the Free Articles page. https://self-defense-handguns.com/?page_id=1317

  • How Fast Is Your Holster?

    “Speed of draw tests for four different holsters, and the results may surprise you…” Another article up on the Free Articles page. https://self-defense-handguns.com/?page_id=1283

  • How to Grip the Combat Handgun

    “Shooting a handgun is a phenomenon that involves your entire body from the waist up – you can’t really separate out one part of it, such as the grip, focus solely on that and think it will allow you to shoot well.” Another new (well, old) article added to the Free Articles page. https://self-defense-handguns.com/?page_id=1256

  • Concealment With Style

    “Every article on concealed carry I’ve ever read has seem to be based firmly on one of the following two assumptions: Assumption A – most gun carriers are so lazy and inept that they’re unwilling or unable to carry anything more serious than a teeny .38 snubnose revolver or .380 auto in constant concealment or,…

  • Common Sense 1911 Modifications

    “The late Mel Tappan was the guru of the 1970s survivalist movement. In his book Survival Guns he recommended the 1911 .45 auto, suitably customized, of course, as the weapon to be constantly carried in post-holocaust America. Tappan wrote, ‘Be prepared to spend at least as much as the original cost of the gun to…

  • Why the .45 GAP Failed

    “I mourn the death of the .45 Glock Automatic Pistol cartridge. A truly excellent idea in theory, it was sabotaged by mistakes in the guns and loads offered for it.” Another addition to the Free Articles page. https://self-defense-handguns.com/?page_id=1200

  • The Martial Gamesman

    “The conflict between the ‘martial artists’ who approach skill with a handgun solely for the purposes of self-defense, and the ‘gamesmen’ who approach it as a sport to be mastered, has been with us since the beginning of ‘combat’ pistol matches – possibly before – and it will never go away.” New addition to the…

  • Chamber Empty = Suicide

    Just put up a new article on the Free Articles page. It’s titled “Chamber Empty = Suicide” and, based on the amount of feedback I’ve gotten, this is the most popular article I’ve ever written. https://self-defense-handguns.com/?page_id=1180%20C Here’s a link to the video referenced in the article. http://montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/store-owner-shot-killed-botched-robbery/

  • Action Shooting International: A Move & Shoot Sport for Everyone

    Just added a new article to the Free Articles page, a pre-publication peek at my latest Blue Press article, “Action Shooting International: A Move & Shoot Sport for Everyone” which should start hitting mailboxes next week.

  • How To Defend Against “The Knock At The Door”

    Excellent commentary from Greg Ellifritz. Well worth reading. http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/your-tactical-training-scenario-shot-through-the-door


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