• Lessons From The Dallas Shooting

    Rare common sense here. You will not be reading any of this in the mainstream media, but if you carry a gun, you owe it to yourself and other people to read this now. https://mountainguerrilla.wordpress.com/2016/07/10/skull-stomping-sacred-cows-sun-tzu-on-dallas-cowardice-and-training/

  • “Pick One (Or Maybe Two) And Practice” Is Good Advice

    There is a refreshing breath of common sense is this article. I decided a long time ago to perform the vast majority of my shooting, including matches, with my carry gun. Thus I’m not into the idea, put forth in this article, of shooting with two guns, your practice gun and your carry gun. For…

  • Tennessee Businesses That Disarm CCW Holders Now Liable For Their Safety

    A law passes in Tennessee making businesses that post Gun Free Zone signs liable for any injuries suffered by their customers because of that policy. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/30/tn-businesses-that-disarm-concealed-carry-permit-holders-now-liable-for-their-safety/

  • Shakin’ Hands

    “Shakin’ Hands” is not just an awesome Nickelback song, it’s a real-world concern if you carry a gun. Or even if you don’t. http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/your-tactical-training-scenario-shaking-hands

  • Weapon Handling In An Active Killer Event

    It is for the need to swiftly put away, therefore re-conceal, the gun after a shooting that I have never liked any holster that does not allow fast, smooth, one handed reholstering. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/weapon-handling-active-killer-event

  • Pink Pistols: LGBT Gun Owners Unite In Arming Gay Community

    I have always thought Pink Pistols was a super-cool organization. This just goes to further confirm that impression. http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/features/pink-pistols-lgbt-gun-owners-unite-in-arming-gay-community-20160628?page=4

  • When The Criminal Is Armed With Pepper Spray

    Excellent, thought provoking commentary from Greg Ellifritz. http://www.activeresponsetraining.net/when-the-criminal-is-armed-with-pepper-spray

  • The State of Journalism in America

    It is a sad thing when a 7-year old girl has bigger testicles than an adult (supposedly) male (supposedly). “The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me…

  • Proud to be an IDPA Member



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