• Gay-mers

    I have to ask, when did “gay” become a synonym for “bad”? I realize this has been going on for some time, but nobody checked with me first. Today even kids who are not at all homophobic will say without thinking, “That’s so GAY.” Now I hear middle-aged men doing it, too. “That SO gay.”…

  • Mike Seeklander Recoil Control Instruction

    The best instruction I have ever seen on how to effect recoil control. Absolutely excellent.

  • Practicing At Close Range

    For years – decades, actually – the vast majority of my practice has taken place at seven yards, the classic “maximum distance within which most gunfights occur.” As I continue to practice on the Venti drill (four reps in the past three range sessions), I find many things to like about it. One of them…

  • Thoughts On The Venti

    I have run the Venti 100-shot drill my last three range sessions. (Actually, I did it twice last night.) It’s a great workout, and it’s already having a positive impact on my shooting. The “shooting with with your eyes closed” portion is especially valuable, just a very efficient way to build and improve index. The…

  • Fold ATF Into FBI?

    “Folding ATF employees into another agency would require retraining and an extra, unnecessary layer of supervision…” Oh, that would be BAD. Who wants all that pesky training and supervision when they’ve been doing SO well with their current level of training and no supervision? http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/watchdogreports/proposal-to-eliminate-atf-opposed-from-both-sides-of-gun-debate-b99309143z1-266957141.html

  • .223 Ammo Ban Fails

    “If you can’t ban the gun, ban the ammo.” Same tired old braindead shit attempt, different decade, same fail. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/10/atf-shelves-controversial-bullet-ban-proposal/

  • Non-Gun People

    I think, as gun people, we have a tendency to believe that, re attitude toward guns, there are two types of people in America today: pro-gun and anti-gun. The truth is there’s actually a third group, probably the largest, frankly, composed of what I call “non-gun people.” These are the folks who don’t love guns,…

  • The Electric Gun With Newspaper

    A good friend of mine just took her nine year old daughter to the range for the first time. The two guns she shot were a youth model .22 bolt action rifle and, as my friend put it, “the fake polymer AR thingy,” also in .22. Afterward, she asked her daughter which one she’d liked…

  • Where To Find The Venti Targets

    Just got an email from an SDH member commenting they weren’t able to find the targets for the Venti 100 Shot drill. I can relate. I wasn’t able to find the Venti targets on the Haley site, myself. Even sent a message to Haley Strategic asking about it. Got a reply back two weeks later…

  • The Tactical Journal

    Talked to IDPA HQ today. The next issue of The Tactical Journal is currently at the printers, should start hitting mailboxes next week. Yes, it features the Massad Ayoob review of my latest book, Mastering the IDPA Classifier. Yes, it took up a full page (actually a page and a half). Yes, it does include…


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